Does your pet have bad breath?

Did you know that’s not normal?

Bad breath can be a sign of dental disease, which can be a huge problem for your cat or dog.

Taking care of your pet’s teeth will help your cat or dog live a happier, healthier, longer life.

Let’s take a look at why proper dental health is important and what you can do about it!

Why Your Pet’s Teeth are Important

Three of four dogs will get gum disease in their lifetime and 80% of cats and dogs show signs of dental disease by the age of 3. Most problems caused by poor dental health are preventable and there are numerous benefits to taking care of their teeth!

  • Better teeth equal better breath
  • Helps prevent heart, liver or kidney disease
  • Less plaque and tartar
  • Fewer oral infections
  • Saves money on medical bills
  • Healthy pets are happy pets

Here are signs that your pet might have a problem:

  • Bad breath
  • Pawing at their mouth or face
  • Loose teeth
  • Isn’t eating as much
  • Red, swollen or bleeding gums
  • Brown, yellow or discolored teeth
  • Excessive drooling or nose licking
  • Change in chewing habits

What to do?

  • Visit your veterinarian and get regular check-ups
  • Brush their teeth regularly
  • Use natural dental chews and treats
  • Try water additives and teeth cleaning gels
  • Give them chew toys or ropes


And be sure to visit our low cost vaccine clinic on February 2 from 11-2 and get a FREE toothbrush in honor of National Pet Dental Health Month!


As always, Plateau Veterinary Hospital & Orthopedic Center will provide low cost vaccines and exams! Vaccines starts at $12 with a $7.50 exam fee which will be donated to a new cause each month.


** Please ensure your cats are safely secured in a carrier and your dogs are leashed for the protection of all participants.