Do you want to have the best Valentine’s Day ever?

Then be sure to spend it with your favorite friend…


It makes sense, doesn’t it? Your furry friend is already at home waiting for you, you’re already in love and he doesn’t have high expectations for Valentine’s Day!

If you’re feeling a little guilty that you’d rather spend Valentine’s Day with your pet than a human, don’t. You’re not alone. 1 in 5 people feel the same!

In case you need more convincing,

Here’s why your pet makes the best Valentine:

Pets are always happy to see you.
Coming home to a pet is like coming home to a surprise party where you are the most loved person in the room every single day! Whether you’re returning from a week long vacation or coming home after running a quick errand, your pet enthusiastically greets you at the door as if seeing you again is the greatest moment of their life…because it is!

Some people don’t like to cuddle, but that’s not the case with your pet. You’ll cuddle all night long.

Pets don’t judge you for eating an entire box of chocolates.
Valentine’s Day is all about chocolate, dessert and heart shaped candy. It just so happens your pets shouldn’t eat those things. It’s a match made in heaven. You don’t even have to share and can eat a whole box of chocolates without feeling guilty.

Pets are low maintenance.
Don’t want to spend hours planning an elaborate date? No problem. Your pet is happy to be with you no matter what you do. Wanna watch “The Notebook” for the 80th time? They don’t mind. They don’t even care what they eat, as long as you feed them! No need to spend hours in the kitchen or in crowded restaurants.

Pets don’t care what you wear.
Do you prefer pajamas to getting dressed up? Whether you’re wearing the cutest dress or a garbage bag, your pet thinks you look beautiful. You don’t even have to shower!

Pets gifts are easier than people gifts.
Buying gifts for people is stressful! Should you get jewelry, clothing, books…agh! The stress is too much to handle! Pets don’t need diamonds, a simple belly rub will do. Of course there are tons of awesome gifts at Bend Pet Express if you want to show your pets how much you care.

Pets love you unconditionally.
They will lick your face when you have a good day, and they will lick your face when you have a bad day. Doesn’t matter, all they want and need is you.
Valentine’s Day is a day to share love, and who better to share that with than your pet. So sit back, relax and get ready for a night full of love and furry cuddles.


We’ve got lots to love this Valentine’s Day with our new delivery service starting that day! Remember to place your orders on our website and pick either same day delivery or next day delivery as your option and we’ll see you at your front door! Happy Valentine’s Day!!