10 Tips to Prevent Your Dog from Getting Lost During Summer

Posted on 05.18.2023

Has your dog ever gone AWOL: Absent Without a Leash?   It can be terrifying! One minute everything is fine, then the next you realize your dog is missing. Whether your pooch bolts out the front door because he’s scared of fireworks or runs away while you’re camping, losing your pet is scary.   Let’s review ways to prevent your dog from going missing.  

  1. Make sure your dog wears an ID tag at all times.
  2. Get your dog microchipped and make sure your information is up to date.
  3. Always use the proper leash and collar for your pooch. The collar should fit correctly (your dog should not be able to slip out) and the leash should be strong enough for your dog’s breed and size.
  4. Secure your yard. Make sure there are no holes in the fence and that he can’t crawl under or jump over it.
  5. Keep dogs entertained and/or exercised. Many dogs simply wander off because they are bored.
  6. Make sure your pet is supervised. No matter how well trained your pooch  is, it’s important not to let them wander alone.
  7. Practice recall training every day. A reliable recall is the most important safety technique you can teach your pup. And if your dog does run off, never punish her when she comes back. Coming back to you should always be a positive experience.
  8. If you host a summer party, be sure to remind guest to keep all gates and doors closed.
  9. If parties (or fireworks) stress your pup, keep her in a secure place with her favorite toy and keep the tv on to bury the sounds.
  10. Keep them secure when you’re traveling by using a traveling harness or crate.


Tagged: Dog Health and Safety